Group management and shared services
POINT.X Mobility
Sales unit Czech republic
POINT.X Slovakia
Sales unit Slovakia
POINT.X Software
Software development & integrations
POINT.X is stable company with nearly 25 years of history. We are proud that our relationships with customers are usually long time and that we treat each other like real partners!
We are specialists! We concentrate purely on area of automatic identification and mobile solution for enterprise customers. Thus we have long time and practical experiences from real projects, ranging from SMB to large multinational companies.
We have own skilled, professional software development and technical support team, long time cooperation with our hw suppliers, 24x7 helpdesk. We provide you everything needed for successful implementation of the project.
ID: 41694163
Company address: Malátova 12, Praha 5
Office: Na Hřebenkách 43, Praha 5
Phone 1: +420 222 319 395 E-mail: pointx@pointx.cz
Phone 2: +420 222 318 636 Fax: +420 224 810 821
IČ: 25114794
Company address: Malátova 12, Praha 5
Office: Na Hřebenkách 43, Praha 5
Phone 1: +420 222 319 395 E-mail: pointx@pointx.cz
Phone 2: +420 222 318 636
IČ: 35755547
Company address & Office: Stará Vajnorská 8, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Phone 1: +421 252 634 381 E-mail: pointx@pointx.cz
Phone 2: +421 911 551 067
Phone 3: +421 911 551 099
ID: 48950548
Company address & Office: Malátova 12, Praha 5
Phone: +420 226 289 111 E-mail: pointx@pointx.cz
GDPR rules
Choose the right solution concept and select the optimum technology is not easy. Therefore, we offer our assistance to help you find right solution concept.
Mapping and understanding customer processes is the base on which we create detailed specification of new solution including the optimal technology selection (barcode? 2D? RFID? Tablets or handhelds? Etc.).
We have a strong team of programmers and project managers with whom we can implement large-scale projects. We specialize in "mobile extension" of information systems, integrating barcode and RFID in ERP system integration and access systems using web technologies.
We realize that after the deployment of the mobile solution usually becomes a component which is crucial for the functioning of the enterprise and rapid troubleshooting is necessary. We offer a sophisticated system variants support and servicing of equipment and applications from which you can build a customized offer each customer and ensure response to problems within the required time. There is also a web-based system for tracking requests for technical support and service (Helpdesk).
Petainer Czech Holdings s.r.o. use Zebra mobile terminals for warehouse oprations including inventory count.
100 rugged tablets for data capture in the field.
WMS and mobile terminals Zebra for the distribution warehouse. Major improvement in speed and quality of preparation deliveries to COOP shops.
Labeling, warehouse management and traceability solution for Mondelez International (formely Kraft Foods) uesed in over 40 plants in 17 contries worldwide.
"Connected navigation" solution for medical rescue.
Komplexní řešení pro práci hasičů v terénu při požárech, nehodách, mimořádných událostech. Elektronické předávání příkazů k výjezdu, navigace, sledování vozidla, zasílání statusů, podpora organizace zásahu atd.
Field service solution for meter reading of energy, hot water and gas consumption. Approx. 100 users.
Read and check biometric passports right in the field! Solution also performs person or car recorrds in various police data sources and reports result on mobile device screen within few seconds (instead of long time radio calls).
Sophisticated mobile SFA (sales force automation) solution including web based backend management and reporting module. Sales reps utilize android smartphone as their personal tool.
ASEKOL je neziskově hospodařící společnost, která v zastoupení výrobců a dovozců elektrozařízení organizuje celostátní systém zpětného odběru elektrozařízení, tj. sběr, dopravu a recyklaci elektrozařízení. Systém evidence s využitím čárového kódu, založený na platformě MOBIX a mobilních zařízeních Psion EP10, umožňuje sledování elektrozařízení resp. sběrných kontejnerů v celém řetězci.