You don’t have time for printer failure. We believe barcode label, ticket, and tag printing solutions should be easy to deploy with worry-free operation and the highest return on your investment.
We combine the best technology from the best manufacturers. From light-duty to ultra-rugged models – stationary and portable – to the printer software, media, service, and parts, Point. X offers an extensive range of solutions for any environment or print application.
RFID PRINTERS: Print your own RFID tags and barcodes on the one-only device.
DESKTOP PRINTERS: Printers for every need from low-volume to rugged, industrial-strength printing.
INDUSTRIAL PRINTERS: Durable printers that can deliver around-the-clock performance.
MOBILE PRINTERS: Designed for mobile workers who need a printer that moves with them.
We offer the best from the best:
Honeywell (former Intermec and DATAMAX-O'Neil printers)
Petainer Czech Holdings s.r.o. use Zebra mobile terminals for warehouse oprations including inventory count.
100 rugged tablets for data capture in the field.
WMS and mobile terminals Zebra for the distribution warehouse. Major improvement in speed and quality of preparation deliveries to COOP shops.
Labeling, warehouse management and traceability solution for Mondelez International (formely Kraft Foods) uesed in over 40 plants in 17 contries worldwide.
"Connected navigation" solution for medical rescue.
Komplexní řešení pro práci hasičů v terénu při požárech, nehodách, mimořádných událostech. Elektronické předávání příkazů k výjezdu, navigace, sledování vozidla, zasílání statusů, podpora organizace zásahu atd.
Field service solution for meter reading of energy, hot water and gas consumption. Approx. 100 users.
Read and check biometric passports right in the field! Solution also performs person or car recorrds in various police data sources and reports result on mobile device screen within few seconds (instead of long time radio calls).
Sophisticated mobile SFA (sales force automation) solution including web based backend management and reporting module. Sales reps utilize android smartphone as their personal tool.
ASEKOL je neziskově hospodařící společnost, která v zastoupení výrobců a dovozců elektrozařízení organizuje celostátní systém zpětného odběru elektrozařízení, tj. sběr, dopravu a recyklaci elektrozařízení. Systém evidence s využitím čárového kódu, založený na platformě MOBIX a mobilních zařízeních Psion EP10, umožňuje sledování elektrozařízení resp. sběrných kontejnerů v celém řetězci.