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MC9200 Key Features and Benefits

Your choice of OS
Choose the operating system that supports your customers' technology strategy and environment—Android, Windows Embedded Compact or Windows Embedded Compact Handheld.

The power to support any application
A dual core 1 GHz processor, 2GB of Flash memory and up to 32GB of additional SD memory provide the power to run multiple complex ERP applications—simultaneously.

High-speed WiFi
Support for the latest Wi-Fi protocols provides workers with the best possible wireless voice and data experience.

Proven rugged construction, ready for the most challenging environments
Every day, the MC9000 Series devices deliver reliable performance—despite everyday drops on concrete, subzero cold, extreme heat,dust and exposure to splashing liquids.

Government-grade security
Government-grade FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certification secures WiFi and Bluetooth wireless communications, without impacting device or application performance.

Advanced scan engines
No matter what type of bar codes you need to capture, there is a scan engine option that will deliver rapid-fire capture—including 1D, 2D, driver's license, DPM codes and more—even if the codes are dirty, damaged or poorly printed. The SE4850 can scan nearly three times closer and 35 percent farther than the competition. If you need standard to mid-range 1D/2D scanning, our SE4750 SR and MR imager are ideal. Both the SE4850 and SE4750 offer Zebra's proprietary PRZM Intelligent Imaging technology for unparalleled fast performance on just about any type of data imaginable. If you need 1D scanning, our SE965 engine provides best-in-class performance, with Adaptive Scanning technology that delivers the widest working range in its class.

Interchangeable keypads for superior customization
Select the keypad that makes data entry as easy as possible for any type of application. No need to send the device to a service depot, you can change the keypad in minutes, right on site.

Applied technology

Windows Mobile

Video and presentation


Petainer CZ

Petainer Czech Holdings s.r.o. use Zebra mobile terminals for warehouse oprations including inventory count.

ZSSK Cargo

100 rugged tablets for data capture in the field.

COOP Vel.Meziříčí

WMS and mobile terminals Zebra for the distribution warehouse. Major improvement in speed and quality of preparation deliveries to COOP shops.


Labeling, warehouse management and traceability solution for Mondelez International (formely Kraft Foods) uesed in over 40 plants in 17 contries worldwide.

Medical rescue

"Connected navigation" solution for medical rescue.

Hasičský záchranný sbor

Komplexní řešení pro práci hasičů v terénu při požárech, nehodách, mimořádných událostech. Elektronické předávání příkazů k výjezdu, navigace, sledování vozidla, zasílání statusů, podpora organizace zásahu atd.

Pražská energetika

Field service solution for meter reading of energy, hot water and gas consumption. Approx. 100 users.

Czech police

Read and check biometric passports right in the field! Solution also performs person or car recorrds in various police data sources and reports result on mobile device screen within few seconds (instead of long time radio calls).


Sophisticated mobile SFA (sales force automation) solution including web based backend management and reporting module. Sales reps utilize android smartphone as their personal tool.


ASEKOL je neziskově hospodařící společnost, která v zastoupení výrobců a dovozců elektrozařízení organizuje celostátní systém zpětného odběru elektrozařízení, tj. sběr, dopravu a recyklaci elektrozařízení. Systém evidence s využitím čárového kódu, založený na platformě MOBIX a mobilních zařízeních Psion EP10, umožňuje sledování elektrozařízení resp. sběrných kontejnerů v celém řetězci.

Warehouse and production
all what you need!